Stories of Solidarity (SOS) is a social media platform that encourages workers in the low-wage, precarious workforce to build new forms of solidarity. The goal is to let workers submit stories (anonymously if they wish) across multiple platforms, display them on a map, and allow users to view posts to build solidarity or organize. The idea a project emerged from a conference organized by UC Davis Professors Chris Benner, Jesse Drew, and Glenda Drew.
In early 2013, I was invited to participate in a “hack-a-thon” with other students and professors from UC Davis and UCLA. In the months leading up to the event, our group prepared by researching and learning about precarious work, talking to labor and community organizers. A front-end developed prototype was built in 24 hours and presented at a conference titled “ Social Media for Insecure Labor.” A beta version of the app was later presented at the 2014 national AFL-CIO convention to precarious workers and labor organizers for feedback.
Project and grant research, concept development, front-end development, prototyping, process documentation, and designing presentation materials.
Glenda Drew, Jesse Drew, Kat Fukui, Vivian Ho, Jack Leng, Liz Shigetoshi, Ashish Subedy, Tristan Schoening
Initial Working Prototype
More about Stories of Solidarity:
The Huffington Post
Stories of Solidarity has evolved over the years. The latest version can be found here: https://www.storiesofsolidarity.org/